Reserved alternative investment funds (RAIF) for EU and third-country AIFMs – Brochure

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​The law on reserved alternative investment funds (the RAIF Law) offers Luxembourg based AIFMs and, more widely, all EU based AIFMs a very attractive fund product structuring solution for the implementation of all types of alternative (non-UCITS) investment strategies. The RAIF can invest in any asset class (i.e., private equity, real estate, hedge, infrastructure, debt acquisition and loan origination, as well as listed securities of any type) and can be closed-ended or open-ended, leveraged or unleveraged.

Prior to 14 July 2016, Luxembourg and EU based AIFMs making Luxembourg their alternative investment fund structuring hub could choose between three main structuring solutions:

While the SICAR and SIF structuring solutions enjoy and will continue to enjoy a widespread use amongst international investors and managers alike, it is the unparalleled success of the Luxembourg limited partnership regimes since 2013 which actually triggered the design and swift enactment of the RAIF Law.

Please download the brochure below, to get all the details about the RAIF.

Table of contents

I. Setting the scene

  1.   From a double tier to a single tier supervisory model
  2.   Looking ahead: the three ingredients for success

II. Innovation & Continuity

  1.   The structure of the RAIF Law
  2.   The Luxembourg fund structuring toolbox: a new building block
  3.   The key features of a RAIF
  4.   Conversion, a relevant option?

APPENDICES – Comparison table of the RAIF with other regimes

Documents about

Reserved alternative investment funds – RAIFs – Brochure

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Camille Bourke

Head of Office, Partner

Michèle Eisenhuth

Co-Chair, Partner

Francis Kass


Claude Kremer


Yves Lacroix


Claude Niedner

Co-Chair, Partner