ICT-related incident reporting – new CSSF Circular and Regulation

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On 5 January 2024, the CSSF issued Circular CSSF 24/847. At the same time, it also provides a comprehensive FAQ on Circular CSSF 24/847 and CSSF Regulation no. 24-01. Together, these releases shape the new landscape of the ICT-related incident reporting framework.

Reading time: 3 minutes, 39 seconds


On 5 January 2024, the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF) issued Circular CSSF 24/847 (CSSF Circular). At the same time, the CSSF also provided a comprehensive FAQ on Circular CSSF 24/847 (CSSF FAQ) and CSSF Regulation no. 24-01 (CSSF Regulation) was published in the Luxembourg Official Journal. Together, these releases shape the new landscape of the ICT-related incident reporting framework.

All three published documents should be read together for a comprehensive understanding of the CSSF’s supervisory approach and regulatory framework.


1. Aim

The CSSF Regulation outlines the requirements for incident classification and major incident notification under the law of 28 May 2019 on Networks and Information Systems (NIS Law) for Operators of Essential Services (OES) and Digital Service Providers (DSP) subject to this law. Consequently, the process for classification and reporting of ICT-related incidents will be standardised for all entities under CSSF supervision.

Circular CSSF 24/847 will repeal and replace Circular CSSF 11/504 on “Frauds and incidents due to external computer attacks”. It details the new supervisory expectations to be complied with in the event of an ICT-related incident. The new ICT-related incident reporting framework aims to establish a more comprehensive and structured overview of the nature, frequency, significance and impact of such incidents. This will be achieved by outlining the practical details and requirements governing the reporting obligations.

2. Scope

The CSSF Circular and CSSF Regulation are applicable to all entities under the supervision of the CSSF across several financial sector regulatory frameworks. These encompass credit institutions, professionals of the financial sector, payment institutions, central securities depositaries and entities subject to the NIS Law (Supervised Entities).

3. The CSSF Circular and CSSF FAQ

The CSSF Circular introduces four main changes to the existing incident reporting framework, enhancing both its scope and efficiency:

Detailed timelines and requirements for incident classification and initial information submission are clarified and explained in CSSF Circular Annex I and CSSF FAQs.

The details of the form are outlined in CSSF Circular Annex II and CSSF FAQs.

Therefore, Supervised Entities categorised as OES or DSP need only to notify once for incidents classified both as significant under the NIS Law and a major ICT-related incident.


4. The CSSF Regulation

The CSSF Regulation issues a crucial framework to OES and DSP under the NIS Law as it provides for the integration of the CSSF Circular into incident classification and the mandatory notification requirements for major incidents under the NIS Law.


5. Next Steps

The CSSF Regulation on the application of the updated ICT-related incident reporting framework to the NIS Law will enter into force on 1 April 2024. The CSSF will confirm the classification of relevant Supervised Entities as OES or DSP by no later than 1 March 2024.

The CSSF Circular will enter into force on 1 April 2024 for a subset of Supervised Entities and will become universally applicable to all remaining Supervised Entities as from 1 June 2024.


How can we help?

For more information on ICT-related incident reporting framework, please contact our experts from the following teams:


Read the CSSF Circular here_

Read the CSSF Regulation here_

Read the CSSF FAQ here_

Download the press release

Luxembourg Newsflash – ICT-related incident reporting – new CSSF Circular and Regulation

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