Digital Solutions

Because learning happens outside the classroom too, we propose different digital learning solutions.

Our courses provide an excellent way of sharing our knowledge with you and improving your understanding of your business and the related opportunities and challenges. Our approach is very practical and operations-oriented.

Digital solution topics

Meeting your KYC and KYT obligations is more than a legal necessity. It is the key decisive element for your business reputation.

This tool targets the audience of lawyers. In this job role, you deal with a number of client files every day. This also means handling a significative AML workload, as part of your intense agendas.

Managing your risks in an efficient and secure manner is a must. But acquiring the necessary knowledge through listening to a conference is not enough.

Therefore, we offer you access to an online learning pack:

  • In the first part, we will guide you through the essentials of KYC and KYT.
  • In the seconds part, you will get exclusive access to a real-life simulator.

The fees for such an access to the platform are 80 EUR (exc. VAT) per person.

The latest update of content dates back to February 2022.

Launched in December 2020, our training programme on sustainable finance is modular to best fit your learning objective.

It provides insights into the essentials of sustainable finance, the applicable legal and regulatory framework and the current trends. Given the speed of change of sustainable finance environment, we commit to maintain our content every quarter.

The language of the modules is English and the duration of the full programme is 2 hours.

For those who must report suspicions of money laundering, market abuse qualifies as a predicate offence.

Therefore, recognising market abuse is a key element for complying with prevailing AML/KYC obligations.

Some other actors have obligations to report suspicions of actual or attempted market abuse (STOR) and must ensure that their staff is adequately trained in that respect.

For others, staff awareness of market abuse is a tool for managing reputational risk. This presupposes having at least a basic understanding of prohibited behaviours.

Whatever your situation or your objectives, recognising market abuse is the key.

If you think that understanding market abuse and recognising prohibited behaviour is a challenge, our e-learning tool is made for you.

We often think of a VAT audit as a formal check. However, an audit is wider than we think.

The tax administration audits a VAT taxpayer every time it checks the information provided by the taxpayer, from the beginning of its activities until the end.

In practice, these checks may occur whenever you file a VAT registration request, a definitive VAT return, a VAT refund request, a VAT deregistration request and so on. 

For you, this means that contact with the VAT authorities will be part of your daily business activities. These checks may take the form of a simple email exchange, a phone call, a letter, or even an on-site visit… 

But if you keep a couple of basic rules in mind, there is nothing to worry about.

And this is why we developed this impact-oriented e-learning for your, so that you grow your knowledge and can use it throughout your company life cycle, whenever VAT audit occurs.

This e-learning is designed to provide you with the latest knowledge and skills to combat money laundering and terrorist financing.

It is delivered through interactive modules, case studies, and quizzes, making it engaging and easy to follow!

By the end of this e-learning course, you will learn about the latest regulatory requirements, best practices, and techniques to identify and report suspicious activities!

Other digital solutions

For any other training topic displayed on our webpage we also have other adequate solutions to match your training requirement. For instance:

In our training agenda you will also find a selection of such live online programmes.

Making training real. Making it yours.

We are convinced that your request for training should be met with a flexible and suitable response in terms of your chosen topic, background, objectives, and geographical constraints. We very much look forward to supporting you.

Contact us

Arendt Institute
41A avenue JF Kennedy, L-2082 Luxembourg
+352 40 78 78 558

You may also find the answers to the Frequently Asked Questions regarding the training sessions