How to interact with Luxembourg VAT authorities and ensure a smooth VAT audit process e-learning

We often think of a VAT audit as a formal check. 

However, an audit is wider than we think.  

The tax administration audits a VAT taxpayer every time it checks the information provided by the taxpayer, from the beginning of its activities until the end.  

In practice, these checks may occur whenever you file a VAT registration request, a definitive VAT return, a VAT refund request, a VAT deregistration request and so on. 

For you, this means that contact with the VAT authorities will be part of your daily business activities. These checks may take the form of a simple email exchange, a phone call, a letter, or even an on-site visit… 

But if you keep a couple of basic rules in mind, there is nothing to worry about.

And this is why we developed this impact-oriented e-learning for you, so that you grow your knowledge and can use it throughout your company life cycle, whenever VAT audit occurs.

Learning objectives: 

  • Understand how VAT works
  • Have an overview of the legal framework for information requests and audits by the VAT authorities
  • Know when and by whom you can be audited
  • Understand the VAT authorities’ requirements and perspective
  • Follow the golden rules of conduct to make your VAT audit a smooth and secure experience


Main features:

• Fully digital
• Advanced interactivity: includes activities and scenarios
• Flexible: learn at your own pace and time
• Course design: modern and light
• Final assessment & downloadable on-the-job resources: recap of the essential knowledge
• Total duration: 60 minutes
Target audience: accountants, auditors, tax advisors, financial teams, legal teams


This e-learning course can be adapted to suit your needs. Contact us to get a demo access or for any other questions.

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