The ABC of ESG e-learning


In today’s society sustainability has become a clear point of focus for most, if not all, companies and investment funds. Understanding what lies behind the E, the S and the G of ESG is key to defining an investment strategy fit to your organisation which, when successfully executed, effectively identifies the positive performance opportunities while managing the potential risks.

Launched in December 2020, our training programme on sustainable finance is modular in order to best fit your learning objective and to allow a step-by-step approach to sustainable finance.

The participants will get an overview of key ESG concepts and the regulatory horizon and will understand the impact and practical challenges inherent in the implementation of sustainable investment strategies.


The latest content update took place in January 2022.

Subject-matter experts

Isabelle Lebbe (Partner, Investment Management, Arendt & Medernach),
Stéphane Badey (Partner, Arendt Regulatory & Consulting).

Target Group

Anyone interested in sustainable finance and in a potential ESG investment strategy and who wants to know more about ESG and sustainable finance.




This e-learning course can be adapted to suit your needs. Several options are available depending on whether you want to complete all the modules or just part of them.

Documents about

e-Learning – The ABC of ESG

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