Worldwide Presence

Contact details of our offices

Arendt House

41A, Avenue JF Kennedy
L-2082 Luxembourg

T (352) 40 78 78 1
F (352) 40 78 04

Arendt 9

9, rue de Bitbourg
L-1273 Luxembourg

T (352) 27 44 41
F (352) 27 44 93 80

Hong Kong

Jardine House

Suites 1601-1603, 16th Floor
Jardine House
1 Connaught Place, Central, Hong Kong


Tower 42

Leaf A – Floor 20
Tower 42
25 Old Broad Street, London, EC2N 1HN

New York

Rockefeller Center

1270 Avenue of the Americas,
Suite 1700, NEW YORK,
NY 10020, USA


10, rue de Castiglione, 3ème étage
75001 Paris, France



Arendt & Medernach Germany GmbH
Bockenheimer Landstrasse 2-4
60306  Frankfurt am Main

Want to reach our headquarter?

Arendt House

41A, Avenue JF Kennedy
L-2082 Luxembourg

T (352) 40 78 78 1
F (352) 40 78 04