Corporate Governance and liabilities of the management body (October)
This training course provides a full overview of corporate governance best practice, explores the key concepts of an effective corporate governance and presents the regimes that apply to companies and organisations in Luxembourg.
Upon completion of the course, participants will have full understanding of the most essential legal structures affecting corporate governance.
General principles of the liabilities regime under Luxembourg law
What is « corporate governance »?
Some basics – a brief reminder
- Organisation
- Powers of the Board of Directors
- Appointment
- Termination
- Delegation
A system of law and sound approaches
- An accumulation of laws and regulations
- Duties and standard of care
- Civil liabilities
- Criminal liability and sanctions
- Insolvency
- Mitigation of risks
Recommendations and general trends in terms of corporate governance
Benoît Chambon (Senior Associate, Corporate Law, Mergers & Acquisitions, Arendt & Medernach).
Thomas Blouin (Associate, Corporate Law, Mergers & Acquisitions, Arendt & Medernach).
Target Group
This course is designed for directors (executive and non-executive), as well as board members, senior managers, company secretaries and other professionals interacting with boards.
2,5 hours.
For any information, please contact us by e-mail