Regulatory & Consulting
Board Assessment
A simple, non-judgmental online tool that helps Boards in their self-assessment
Our experts
Today Boards need to implement regular self-assessment exercise, so as to check the adequacy of the Board functioning.
Performance measurements in the form of a Board assessment helps increase the Board’s effectiveness, maximising strengths, tackling weaknesses, improving corporate relationships and triggering changes, when appropriate. It is a powerful tool to convert good Boards into great Boards.
Our regulatory consulting expertise driven by Arendt Regulatory & Consulting S.A. (ARC) has created a simple, non-judgmental online tool that helps Boards in their self-assessment, and enables the Board to quickly and easily gather feedbacks from their members, on the basis of a dedicated customisable questionnaire, and thus to save time for value-added discussion in the Board room.
Our tool
- helps Boards in their self-assessment,
- provides a dedicated customizable questionnaire,
- enables to quickly gather feedbacks from Board members,
- simplify communication to Board members of consolidated results thanks to AssessYourBoard dashboard

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