Arendt Case Review #8 – February 2020 – Arendt Litigation Group

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Information about recent decisions of the Luxembourg and/or European courts. Egalement disponible en français ci-dessous.

Arendt Case Review is a newsletter designed by Arendt Litigation Group to inform you about recent decisions of the Luxembourg and/or European courts.




Company law

Application for provision of security rights
Standing to bring an action for annulment of the decision to dissolve a company


Civil law

Release of an attachment
Res judicata, suspension of an insurance contract
Real estate litigation
Neighbourhood disturbance

Civil Procedure

Withdrawal of action
Validity of attachment


The public policy exception


Commercial Law

Financial collateral arrangements

Download the press release

Arendt Case Review 8 – ENGLISH

pdf498 KB

Arendt Case Review 8 – FRANCAIS

pdf598 KB