Philippe Schmit


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Philippe Schmit is a Partner in charge of the Employment Law practice.

Philippe advises employers in the financial and industrial sectors on all aspects of the employment relationship (including its termination). He also specialises in all matters related to restructuring and reorganisation, negotiation in the context of collective dismissals and collective bargaining procedures, as well as any other HR aspects triggered by corporate restructuring, including M&A (e.g. transfers of undertakings). Conscious of the topics that impact employees today, he also provides legal support in the context of ESG considerations, whistleblowing, harassment and discrimination in the employment relationships.

Philippe is highly specialised in both employment-related litigation and advisory services.

His practice encompasses advice on compensation and benefits schemes, equity schemes, share options plans and pension schemes, including social security and taxation aspects.
Philippe also has extensive knowledge of expatriation matters and provides legal advice with respect to business immigration and all related aspects.

  • Master’s degree in law from the Université Robert Schuman de Strasbourg (France).
  • Master’s degree (DEA) in Private International Law from the Université Robert Schuman de Strasbourg (France).
  • He has been a member of the Luxembourg Bar since 2006.

  • Philippe is a member of several local and international associations and networks focusing on employment law, including the Employment Law Specialists Association (ELSA) and the European Employment Lawyers Association (EELA).

  • Philippe advised a major private equity player in the implementation of a management incentive scheme.
  • Philippe successfully defended a major local bank against claims brought by a former employee alleging unlawful termination and claiming one of the highest amounts for damages ever claimed in front of a Luxembourg labour court.
  • Philippe defended a European Company (Societas Europeas) in the framework of the first litigation case brought before Luxembourg courts regarding employee participation at management level.
  • Philippe negotiated several social plans in the framework of collective dismissal cases.