Arendt Case Review #2 – July 2018 – Arendt Litigation Group

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Information about recent decisions of the Luxembourg and/or European courts. Egalement disponible en français ci-dessous.

Arendt Case Review is a newsletter designed by Arendt Litigation Group to inform you about recent decisions of the Luxembourg and/or European courts.


Tortious liability
traffic accident, rules on priority

Non-contractual liability
neighbourhood disturbances

Quasi contracts
management of affairs (gestion d’affaires)

Contractual liability
liability of a carrier

Liability of the banker
limitation period

Agreement of commercial nature
the principle of accepted commercial correspondence

Contract of a commercial nature
the principle of accepted commercial correspondence


Company law
expert assessment of management

passive survival of a company

effects of the closure

Measures of execution
garnishment (registered shares)

Employment law/Social security
monetary illness indemnity

expert’s report
nullity of a writ (obscuri libelli)
seizure and discontinuation of proceedings


Download the press release

Arendt Case Review #2 ENGLISH

pdf352 KB

Arendt Case Review #2 FRANCAIS

pdf353 KB