Webinar series – Capital Markets Union – What is the package all about?
We are pleased to invite you to our webinar “What is the package all about?” which will take place on 13 January 2022
Pierre Beissel, Gilles Dusemon and Corinne Prinz will focus on the following topics:
1/ A European Single Access Point (ESAP) to create more funding and business opportunities for companies
2/ Promoting long-term investments through European Long-Term Investment Funds (ELTIFs)
3/ Making funding more diversified for companies by reviewing the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (AIFMD)
4/ Enhancing market transparency by reviewing the Markets in Financial Instruments Regulation (MiFIR)
Should you have any questions, please contact events@arendt.com
We look forward to welcoming you to our upcoming webinars.
Click here to access the presentation_