The newly amended CSSF Regulation 12-02: what are the key takeaways? (part 2)
The Luxembourg Bankers’ Association (ABBL) and Arendt are happy to invite you to their upcoming joint online event that will focus on the recent amendments to the CSSF Regulation n°12-02.
We will walk you through the main changes brought to the CSSF Regulation n°12-02, which will impact all professionals subject to anti-money laundering and counter terrorist financing (AML-CTF) obligations and are regulated, registered or supervised by the CSSF. Read the Newsflash_
In view of the extensive changes brought to the CSSF Regulation and the time that will be necessary to safely navigate you through them, we have decided to organize such event in the form of two different sessions:
On Wednesday 21 October, our speakers will address and comment on the major changes brought to the CSSF Regulation.
On Wednesday 18 November, our experts, while finalizing their developments on the major changes brought to the CSSF Regulation, will also take the opportunity to shed some light on the current state of play in terms of digital client on-boarding and of what is happening in such context on the market.
Should you have any questions, please contact
We look forward to welcoming you to our upcoming webinars.
Read our most recent article about AML-CFT on Paperjam here_ (French only)
Learn more about our AML-CFT services here_