Les midis de l’entreprise – The new Luxembourg IP box regime
We are delighted to invite you to the forthcoming conference in the midi de l’entreprise series which will take place in the Arendt House auditorium on Tuesday 29 May 2018 on the theme of the “New Luxembourg IP Box regime”.
The objective of this midi de l’entreprise is to introduce the scope of the new regime and to present its new provisions in the light of the following questions:
- Which assets are eligible to benefit from this new regime?
- What are the advantages thereof?
- What are the consequences in respect of VAT and transfer pricing which result from the regime?
- David Alexandre, Senior Associate, IP, Communication & Technology
- Sophie Weyten, Counsel, Tax Law
- Guilhèm Becvort, Associate, Tax Law
- Alexandre Maschiella, Associate, Tax Law