New CSSF fees

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On 22 December 2021, a new Grand Ducal Regulation on the fees levied by the CSSF was published in the Mémorial A. It applies as from 1st January 2022.

With the aim of aligning and adjusting the fees collected by the CSSF to suit the evolution of the legal framework, the new Grand Ducal Regulation increases existing fees, and introduces new fees applicable to institutions and entities under CSSF supervision. Overall, for the two sectors discussed below, this new Grand Ducal Regulation increases the rates applied by the CSSF by 10%-15% approximately.

This newsflash only focuses on the fees to be levied in the following two sectors:


  1. Investment fund sector

Alongside the measured increase (referred to above) in the fees applicable to Luxembourg and foreign undertakings for collective investment, pension funds and securitisation undertakings, a number of new fees will apply going forward, in particular to investment fund managers (IFMs).

Henceforth a new distinction will be made as regards the examination fee:

While the examination fees charged in respect of IFMs performing only collective management and carrying out a core strategy remain unchanged, additional fees (RGD p6-7) will be levied for IFMs submitting an application for authorisation to:

Similarly, new annual flat fees (RGD p7-8) have been introduced covering the above activities.


  1. Banking and financial sector

While the Grand Ducal Regulation generally applies steady increases in most fee rates, it significantly increases the flat rate for processing a request for approval of a new credit institution (from €15,000 to €50,000).

Some new fees have also been introduced, namely for:

For more information on the CSSF fee rates applicable to the Investment Fund sector and the Banking and Financial sector, please liaise with your usual contacts on the Fund Formation and Banking Teams.

To access the Grand Ducal Regulation, click here_

Download the press release

Luxembourg Newsflash – New CSSF fees

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