Arendt Case Review #3 – October 2018 – Arendt Litigation Group

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Information about recent decisions of the Luxembourg and/or European courts. Egalement disponible en français ci-dessous.

Arendt Case Review is a newsletter designed by Arendt Litigation Group to inform you about recent decisions of the Luxembourg and/or European courts.



Mandate agreement

– Indemnity for losses incurred



– Accepted invoice

– Payment of an invoice without reservations – waiver of recourse – insurers (subrogation)


Unilateral expert assessments

– Probative value


Compensation for damages

– Benefit of the doubt (no)

– Compensatory damages and moratory damages



– Garnishment on unilateral request – duty of cooperation


Civil procedure

– Civil liability – orders and decisions to dismiss proceedings – exception of res judicata

– Estoppel 

– Relative effect of service (indivisibility)


Employment Law

– Immediate termination of the employment contract on serious grounds

– Indemnity (time-bar)

– Gratification



Download the press release

Arendt Case Review #3 – ENGLISH

pdf314 KB

Arendt Case Review #3 – FRANCAIS

pdf319 KB