Changes to the Luxembourg bearer shares regime – Newsflash – 17.07.2014
Bill of law n° 6625, which will substantially change the legal regime applicable to bearer shares issued by a Luxembourg company was adopted by the Luxembourg Parliament on 16 July 2014.
Key Tax Measures Unveiled
On 23 May 2024, bill of law 8388 (Bill) was submitted to the Luxembourg Parliament, introducing several measures that complement existing domestic tax rules: net wealth tax simplification, participation exemption opt-out, share repurchases codification and electronic tax return for directors’ fees.
ESMA publishes discussion paper on UCITS share classes
On 6 April 2016 ESMA published a second discussion paper on UCITS share classes. The discussion paper builds on the feedback received in relation to ESMA’s first discussion paper on this issue which was published in December 2014.
Arendt advises Lavazza Group on a voluntary tender offer over the shares of publicly traded IVS Group S.A.
Arendt & medernach advises the lavazza group on a voluntary tender offer over the shares of publicly traded ivs group s.a. in close cooperation with italian legal counsel pedersoligattai.
Common principles for share classes in UCITS issued by ESMA
In the absence of a common EU framework for share classes of UCITS funds, ESMA has identified diverging national practices as to the types of share classes that are permitted, ranging from very simple share classes (e.g. with different levels of fees) to much more sophisticated share classes (e.g. which may potentially have different investment strategies). In order to ensure a harmonised approach across EU Member States, ESMA has issued an Opinion which sets out four high-level principles which a UCITS must follow when setting up different share classes.
CJEU: Open door for VAT recovery on transaction costs in case of share disposal
On 8 November 2018, the Court of Justice of the European Union (“CJEU”) released its decision in the C&D Foods Acquisition ApS case (C-502/17) concerning the deduction of input VAT on consultancy costs incurred by a holding company in connection with a sale of a sub-subsidiary’s shares.
Societal impact company
The law of 12 December 2016 (the “Law”) has introduced a new legal framework for companies having a social or societal impact: the société d’impact sociétal (the “SIS”). The purpose of the legislator is to formally recognise the specificity of companies dedicating their activities to supporting people in fragile situations or contributing to the preservation or development of specific social or societal issues, including the protection of the environment.
Luxembourg unveils key tax measures to boost its economy
On 17 July 2024, bill of law 8414 (Bill) was submitted to Parliament, introducing changes designed to make Luxembourg more attractive and more competitive, and reduce the tax burden on individuals.
AMLR: a new EU-wide level playing field through increased harmonisation
After years of negotiations, the EU Parliament has finally adopted the long-awaited EU regulation on the prevention of the use of the financial system for the purposes of money laundering or terrorist financing, which focuses mainly on customer due diligence aspects.
Arendt & Medernach S.A. advised L’Occitane Groupe S.A. and L’Occitane Holding S.A. on the successful privatisation and delisting from the Hong Kong Stock Exchange of L’Occitane International S.A.
Arendt and Skadden (Paris and Hong-Kong) represented L’Occitane Groupe S.A., L’Occitane Holding S.A. and other group companies in connection with the voluntary conditional general offers and related Luxembourg and Hong Kong driven squeeze-out and delisting of L'Occitane International S.A., a global multi-brand group specialising in the manufacture and retail of premium beauty and wellness products.
European Parliament adopts final version of the Data Act
On 9 November 2023, The European Parliament formally and overwhelmingly adopted the final version of the Data Act.
Bill of law passed approving the Protocol to the Luxembourg-Russia Tax Treaty
On 9 February 2021, the Luxembourg Parliament passed bill of law no. 7725 ratifying the new protocol (the “Protocol”) amending the treaty for the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income and capital between the Russian Federation and Luxembourg (the “Treaty”).
Luxembourg Basic Accounting Principles
With increasing attention to governance and regulatory aspects, mastering the art of proper organization and meticulous documentation of AGMs /EGMs isn't just important—it's absolutely paramount. During this training session, you will experience different simulations and hands-on exercises practising the skills of organising, conducting and documenting AGMs / EGMs through engaging case studies and real-life scenarios.
Annual Accounts
With increasing attention to governance and regulatory aspects, mastering the art of proper organization and meticulous documentation of AGMs /EGMs isn't just important—it's absolutely paramount. During this training session, you will experience different simulations and hands-on exercises practising the skills of organising, conducting and documenting AGMs / EGMs through engaging case studies and real-life scenarios.
Cross-border business tax – EU Commission proposes BEFIT, Transfer Pricing and Hot Directives
Corporate taxpayers with cross-border operations in the EU are expected to be significantly impacted by the proposed BEFIT, Transfer Pricing and HOT Directives.
Deduction of input VAT on abort costs
On 3 May 2018, Advocate General (“AG”) Kokott delivered her opinion in the Ryanair case (C-249/17) concerning the deduction of input VAT on costs incurred in relation to an unsuccessful acquisition of a company’s entire share capital.
Investments in China A-Shares via Stock Connect, acceptable in principle under UCITS – newsflash – 01.12.2014
The CSSF has no objections to UCITS investing in China A-Shares using the Hong Kong – Shanghai Stock Connect platform. Specific conditions will however apply for each applicant and approvals will be granted on a case-by-case basis.
Unrestricted VAT deduction for active holding companies
On 5 July 2018, the Court of Justice of the European Union (“CJEU”) released a welcome decision in the Marle Participations case (C-320/17) concerning the deduction of input VAT by a holding company on costs incurred in relation to acquisitions and sales of shares in subsidiaries.
Law on electronic media amended to meet today’s audiovisual needs
Law of 26 February 2021 amending the law of 27 July 1991 on electronic media and implementing Directive (EU) 2018/1808 (the "Audiovisual Media Services Directive")