White-collar, Financial & Corporate Crime
Our criminal law specialists have considerable experience in advising clients on criminal proceedings of all kinds, and especially cases involving white-collar, financial and corporate crime (including misuse of corporate assets), money laundering and corrupt practices, as well as dealing with both internal and external fraud at companies.
As well as representing our clients at all stages of national criminal proceedings – from the investigation phase to pleading before the courts – we regularly act in international criminal proceedings, including international letters rogatory proceedings, international arrest warrants and extradition.
In addition to managing criminal proceedings and representing our clients before the judicial authorities, we assist and advise generally on all aspects of corporate crime. We assist clients in the assessment of criminal risks in relation to their business and the avoidance of the risk and cost of criminal charges and civil liability through preventative measures such as internal compliance plans and the conducting of domestic and international investigations and fact-gathering, including enquiries into suspect internal operations. This work is conducted by our criminal law specialists, and, if necessary, can be carried out in close cooperation with experts from the firm’s other business unit.