Upon Request

2.5 hours

Arendt House41A, Avenue John F. Kennedy
L-2082 Luxembourg-Kirchberg


About the training session


By the end of the training session, the participants:
• will have gained sound knowledge on reporting obligations and the content
of reports
• will have deepened their understanding with concrete practical cases


I. Summary of the reporting obligations of securitisation vehicles, financial
companies and investment funds towards BCL

II. Threshold on exemption and use of the data

III. Description of the reports applicable to securitisation vehicles, financial
companies and investment funds as well as related filings deadlines
• Securitisation vehicles (reporting TPTTBS, S2. 14 and S 2.15)
• Financial companies (reporting TPTIBS, S2. 16 and S 2.17)
• Investment funds (reporting TPTOBS, S1.3 & S2 .13 and S 1.6)

IV. Practical cases


Our speakers come from all over our specialised and complementary teams, covering all legal, regulatory, taxation and advisory aspects of doing business in Luxembourg. We invite you to check our training agenda where the speakers are listed on each training session.

Target audience

Accountants, legal officers and any other professionals wishing to familiarise with BCL reporting obligations.


2,5 hours



For more information please contact us by e-mail institute@arendt.com