Customised training

Banks’ supervision and sanctions

Upon Request

2 hours

Arendt House41A, Avenue John F. Kennedy
L-2082 Luxembourg-Kirchberg


About the training session


In November 2014, the ECB officially took over the prudential supervision of credit institutions within the Eurozone through the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM).

Although the direct supervisory role of the ECB essentially concerns “significant” credit institutions, “less significant” credit institutions are also under the supervision of the ECB.

This training session aims at providing an enhanced understanding of the SSM, explaining its main features and apprehending its impacts on your organization.


  • Introduction
    • Scope of the SSM: included and excluded matters
    • Allocation of tasks among regulators
    • Categorisation into significant and non-significant institutions and change of category
  • Impact on “significant” credit institutions
    • Role of the ECB
    • Residual role of national authorities
    • Organisation within the ECB and supervisory teams
  • Impact on “less significant” credit institutions
    • Supervisory powers of the ECB
    • Supervisory powers of national authorities
    • Interaction between the ECB and national authorities
    • Common procedures for significant and less-significant institutions
    • EU passporting procedures for the free provision of services and freedom of establishment
  • Sanctioning powers of the ECB
    • Investigatory powers of the ECB
    • Whistleblowing procedure
    • Administrative pecuniary penalties
    • Publicity of penalties
    • On-site inspections


Our speakers belong to both our specialised and complementary teams and as such cover all legal, regulatory, taxation and advisory aspects of doing business in Luxembourg. We invite you to check our training agenda where the speakers are listed on each training session.

Target audience

Legal and compliance officers and executives, as well as Management of banks/credit institutions.


2 hours.


English, French, German.

For more information please contact us by e-mail