Regulatory Update – Keeping up to date with Sustainable Finance


In today’s society, sustainability has become a clear point of focus for most, if not all, companies and investment funds. Understanding what lies behind the E, the S and the G of ESG is key to defining a strategy fit for your organisation which, when successfully executed, effectively identifies the positive performance opportunities while managing the potential risks.



Our speakers belong to both our specialised and complementary teams and as such, cover all legal, regulatory, taxation and advisory aspects of doing business in Luxembourg.We invite you to check our training agenda where the speakers are listed on each training session.

For this programme our experts team up with Jane Wilkinson, Independent Director of Ripple Effect and Oriane Schoonbroodt, Co-Founder & CEO of Label R, in order to combine extensive governance, regulatory and monitoring expertise.

Target Group

Compliance Officers, Product Managers, Conducting Officers and anyone interested in sustainable finance and in a potential ESG investment strategy. Participants are expected to have a basic knowledge of sustainable finance principles (i.e. understand what is ESG, knowledge of certain existing market initiatives).


2 hours



For any information, please contact us by e-mail

Documents about

Regulatory Update – Keeping up to date with Sustainable Finance

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