Restrictive Measures

Restrictive measures, or sanctions, are one of the tools used by the EU to promote the objectives of the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP).

Restrictive Measures – EU Sanctions

Restrictive measures imposed by the EU may target governments of third countries, or non-state entities (e.g. companies) and individuals (e.g. terrorists and Russian oligarchs). Certain restrictive measures are specifically targeted at individuals and entities and consist of asset freezes and travel bans. Increasingly, they also consist of sectoral measures, such as economic and financial measures (e.g. import and export restrictions, restrictions on banking, financial and insurance services) or arms embargoes (e.g. prohibition on exporting dual-use goods).

How can we help?

With over ten years of experience, we’ve successfully guided clients across a web of various EU restrictive measures concerning nations such as Russia, Myanmar, Iran, Libya, Syria and Venezuela.

Sanctions compliance programmes

Our team helps to design and implement tailored global economic sanctions compliance programmes for leading financial institutions and corporations, taking into account their unique needs and regulatory requirements to prevent any violations. We regularly assess the lawfulness of operations, behaviours and situations in light of EU restrictive measures and form an opinion on the scope of these measures. We are in continuous contact with the national and EU competent authorities.


Our M&A expertise allows us to address potential issues early, offering thorough transaction reviews, advice on risk, due diligence and contract drafting to ensure compliance with sanctions and mitigate deal risks.

Regulatory inquiries

We have experience with regulatory inquiries, assessing the need for voluntary disclosures and requests for authorisations.

Enforcement and litigation

Our team is also equipped to represent corporate boards and senior employees in sanctions compliance and enforcement matters, spanning civil and criminal cases. Our proficiency in EU litigation puts us in a unique position to guide national courts on interpreting EU restrictive measures and, if required, seek preliminary rulings from the EU courts. We also lodge applications to annul EU acts before the EU courts.

Russian sanctions

Our latest efforts have been focused on advising clients on the record sanctions aimed at Russia (and Belarus). Stay informed with our latest newsflashes: