Legal & Tax

EU Banking and Financial Law

Over the last 40 years, EU law has gradually devised a comprehensive set of rules, as well as bodies and mechanisms, to shape an EU financial system encompassing all sectors of finance: banks, payment institutions, financial markets, investment funds, pension funds, insurance and reinsurance

How can we help?

Our EU Banking and Financial Law practice offers a rare combination of two areas of expertise:

  • In-depth mastery of the general mechanisms of EU law and EU policies
  • Thorough knowledge of all aspects of finance in cooperation with Arendt’s other teams specialising in banking, financial and insurance law

This combination allows us to solve any problem of interpretation of EU banking and financial law, to develop innovative approaches for our clients in their relationships with regulators, as well as other financial and economic operators, to strengthen their case in contentious and pre-contentious situations and to assist them in lobbying national and supranational authorities.

Philippe-Emmanuel Partsch is a recognised expert in EU banking and financial law. He has published two books on the subject in French (Droit bancaire et financier européen, 2nd edition, Larcier, 2016; first edition in 2009) and is Professor of EU Banking and Financial Law at the Université de Liège (Belgium) and lecturer in the same subject at the Université Paris-Panthéon-Assas (France).

Moreover, Philippe-Emmanuel regularly takes part in conferences and publishes on this subject in EU law reviews and newspapers. His recent publications include:

  • P.-E. Partsch, « Chronique de droit bancaire et financier européen », n° 72 ALJB, Bulletin Droit et Banque, June 2023, pp. 85-94
  • P.-E. Partsch, « Cadre européen de l’activité bancaire et financière », RPDB, Droit bancaire et financier, éditions Larcier Intersentia, October 2020
  • P.-E. Partsch, « Droit bancaire européen – Les juges de Karlsruhe jettent un pavé dans la mare », interview for Paperjam, Luxembourg, 31 July 2019