Insurance regulatory update – New CAA Circular Letter 22/17 on notifications in case of cooperation requests by a foreign authority

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On 13 September 2022, the Commissariat aux Assurances (“CAA”) issued the Circular Letter 22/17 on notifications in case of cooperation requests by a foreign authority (“Circular 22/17”).

I. Background

Back in March 2015, the CAA issued the Circular Letter 15/01 on notifications in case of cooperation requests by a foreign authority, which invited the professionals subject to its supervision to notify the CAA if they are approached by foreign authorities and requested to provide client information or to cease certain business conduct.

II. Key considerations

The Circular 22/17 repeals and replaces the Circular 15/01 and expands the notification requirements already included in the Circular 15/01.

The Circular 22/17 species that:


To read the Circular 22/17 (French only), click here_ 

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Download the press release

Luxembourg Newsflash – Insurance regulatory update – New CAA Circular Letter 22/17 on notifications in case of cooperation requests by a foreign authority

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