Coronavirus/Covid-19: what impact for employers?

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Setting up of a dedicated helpdesk by the Arendt Employment Law team.

As an employer, you are obliged to ensure the safety of your workforce and to guarantee a framework protecting the health of your employees. The recent outbreak and continuing threat of the Coronavirus/Covid 19 raises numerous questions, including to you as employer: we are here to assist you.

… with regard to your employees

• what are your responsibilities?
• when, how, can and should you inform them and on what ?
• what immediate measures need to be taken?
• what happens if an employee is placed in quarantine?
• what are the conditions for working remotely?
• how should you manage business trips from/to risk areas?
• how should you handle ethical questions?
• how can you prepare the replacement of team members?

… with regard to administrations/authorities

• what must you declare?
• what help can you request from the authorities?
• how to deal with social security?
• which consequences will remote working measures imply?

How we can assist you



We offer a single helpdesk in order to answer your questions and ensure your safety and compliance with the laws and regulations surrounding the Coronavirus/Covid-19 crisis.

Contact our helpdesk at:

The helpdesk will be committed to reverting to you within 24 hours.

Download the press release

Luxembourg Newsflash – Coronavirus Covid-19 what impacts for employers

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