Arendt appoints 10 new partners
Arendt is proud to announce the appointment of 10 new partners promoted internally within the law firm.
Luxembourg, 8 February 2023 – Arendt is proud to announce the appointment of 10 new partners promoted internally within the law firm. These appointments reflect the continued growth of Arendt and in particular of Arendt & Medernach. The number of areas of law covered by these appointments reflects the constant strengthening of our expertise in a complementary manner. We provide our clients with ever more comprehensive legal solutions, responding to the growing complexity of their challenges. We are very pleased to have 54 partners at Arendt & Medernach. Below are details of each new partner.
Click on the name of the partner to access the full profile.
Corporate Law, Mergers & Acquisitions
Corporate Law, Mergers & Acquisitions
Finance & Capital Markets
Finance & Capital Markets
Investment Management
Carl de La Chapelle
Full profile_
Piotr Giemza-Popowski
Full profile_
Dr. Stefan Staedter
Full profile_
Litigation & Dispute Resolution
Sandrine Margetidis-Sigwalt
Full profile_
Tax Law
Arendt nomme 10 nouveaux associés
Luxembourg, 8 février 2023 – Arendt est fier d’annoncer la nomination de 10 nouveaux associés promus en interne au sein de son cabinet d’avocat. Ces nominations s’inscrivent dans la continuité de la croissance d’Arendt et en particulier d’Arendt & Medernach. Le nombre de domaines de droit concernés par ces nominations témoigne du renforcement constant de nos expertises de manière transversale. Nous délivrons à nos clients des solutions juridiques toujours plus complètes, répondant à la complexité croissante de leurs problématiques. Nous sommes très heureux de compter désormais 54 associés au sein d’Arendt & Medernach. Ci-dessous se trouvent les détails concernant chaque nouvel associé.
Cliquez sur le nom de l’associé pour accéder à son profil complet
Corporate Law, Mergers & Acquisitions
François Deprez
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Corporate Law, Mergers & Acquisitions
Finance & Capital Markets
Philippe Harles
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Finance & Capital Markets
Investment Management
Carl de La Chapelle
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Fiona de Watazzi
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Piotr Giemza-Popowski
Profil complet_
Dr. Stefan Staedter
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Litigation & Dispute Resolution
Sandrine Margetidis-Sigwalt
Profil complet_