AIFMD review – Fine-tuning of the AIFMD framework and targeted harmonisation with the UCITS framework

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In light of the growing role of alternative investment funds (AIFs) as financial intermediaries and further developments in the market since the AIFMD came into force in 2011, the EU Commission has published a proposal for targeted amendments to the AIFMD that acknowledges the directive’s role as a significant pillar of the Capital Markets Union (CMU). While fine-tuning the AIFMD framework, the EU Commission is simultaneously proposing a degree of harmonisation with the UCITS framework.

Earlier today, the EU Commission published a legislative proposal with targeted amendments to the AIFMD and the UCITS Directive. It forms part of a package of four proposals prepared by the EU Commission under its CMU 2.0 Action Plan.

While stating that the AIFMD has worked well and has largely achieved its objectives of establishing an effective supervisory framework for AIFMs, thereby ensuring high levels of investor protection and facilitating the creation of the EU AIFM market, the EU Commission is nonetheless proposing targeted amendments to fine-tune the AIFMD framework. As a number of issues highlighted in the review of the AIFMD are equally relevant for the activities of UCITS, the legislative proposal also aims to address these issues by aligning the requirements between the AIFMD and the UCITS Directive.

Key proposed amendments impacting both the AIFMD and the UCITS Directive

Key amendments proposing changes to the AIFMD framework

Next steps

Today’s publication of the legislative proposal has kicked off the legislative process. The EU Commission’s proposal is now under review by the EU Parliament and the Council of the EU. The text in its current version states that once it is adopted by the EU co-legislators, Member States will need to implement the adopted amendments within 24 months following their entry into force.

For further information, please reach out to your usual contact within the Fund Formation Group.

Related documents

Download the press release

Luxembourg Newsflash – AIFMD review – Fine-tuning of the AIFMD framework and targeted harmonisation with the UCITS framework

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