Webinar – MiFID II Recast – A two-step approach – Step 1: A ‘quick fix’ for the time being – Step 2: A broader revamp in the making
The Luxembourg Bankers’ Association (ABBL) and Arendt are pleased to invite you to a joint online event that will focus on the MiFID II Recast.
As you know, MiFID is undergoing an extensive overhaul. The process will involve two steps: a quick-fix initiative with (smaller) changes related to COVID-19, followed by a wider revamp by the European Commission.
The ‘quick fix’ measures have already been implemented into Luxembourg law. The aim of this seminar is to address the key aspects of these new provisions, while also shedding light on the broader changes to MiFID II that are still to come.
On Wednesday 27 October, after an introduction by ABBL Head of Banking Regulation & Financial Markets Gilles Pierre, our experts Glenn Meyer and Marc Mouton will provide insight into the new requirements introduced by the MiFID ‘quick fix’ reform. EU Regulatory Affairs Lead at Banque Pictet Luxembourg Alexandra Merlino will then give a practical overview of the implementation of these new requirements. Finally, Senior European Affairs advisor at the ABBL Brussels office Aurélie Cassou will provide an outlook for the wider MiFID II revamp that is currently being planned by the EU authorities.
Should you have any questions, please contact events@arendt.com.
We look forward to welcoming you to our upcoming webinar.