Business challenges


4:00pm - 6:00pm

This event is open to all entrepreneurs in Luxembourg on 6 February 2018 from 5 p.m. at Arendt House.

Entrepreneurs of Luxembourg, come and meet your peers and share your experiences. Our speakers will discuss notably the challenges which they were confronted with and will be delighted to respond to your questions on the topic of: Business and time

With the participation of:

> Thomas Coville, French yachtsman holding numerous records, and

> Elie Canivenc, technical director of Team Sodebo


> Marc Giorgetti, partner-manager, Felix Giorgetti

> René Grosbusch, administrative director, Marcel Grosbusch & Fils

> Jean-Pierre Lutgen, CEO, Ice Watch

> Claude Wagner, CEO, Bati C


5 p.m. registration

5.30 p.m. start of the conference, followed by a cocktail

Invitation – les défis de l’entreprise – 06.02.2018

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