EU Commission answers ESA questions on SFDR interpretation

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In September 2022, the ESAs jointly submitted questions to the EU Commission about the interpretation of the SFDR. The answers to those questions have now been published, including amendments to previously circulated answers.


On 14 April 2023, the EU Commission (“EC”) published a decision annexing their answers_ to the questions requiring interpretation of EU law submitted on 9 September 2022 by the European Supervisory Authorities (“EBA”, “EIOPA” and “ESMA”, together the “ESAs”). The publication provides explanations about key elements of the sustainable finance regulatory framework.

In addition, the decision includes amendments_ to answers published in July 2021 and May 2022 (in annex II).


Key points

The newly provided answers include the following clarifications by the EC:

The amendments to previously published answers comprise:

The many updates issued recently at European level within a short space of time demonstrate the fast-moving nature of the sustainable finance regulatory regime.

Please, get in touch with your usual Arendt contact to remain up to date or clarify any questions you may have.

Access the Commission Decision here_

Access Annex I with answers on the interpretation of EU Law here_

Access Annex II with amendments to previously published answers here_

Download the press release

Luxembourg Newsflash – EU Commission answers ESA questions on SFDR interpretation

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