Modernising the Luxembourg fund toolbox

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Luxembourg further increases the attractiveness and competitiveness of its financial centre through targeted improvements to the Luxembourg fund rules.

On 24 March 2023, a bill of law proposing amendments to the Luxembourg fund rules was deposited with the Luxembourg Parliament. The amendments affect the Law of 2010 on UCIs (“UCI Law”), the Law of 2007 on SIFs (“SIF Law”), the Law of 2004 on SICARs (“SICAR Law”), the Law of 2013 on AIFMs (“AIFM Law”) and the Law of 2016 on RAIFs (“RAIF Law”). In proposing targeted amendments to these laws, Luxembourg aims to improve and modernise its fund toolbox and increase the attractiveness and competitiveness of the Luxembourg financial centre.

Key amendments

The main changes are:

This legislative proposal is the result of efforts by the Luxembourg funds industry to harmonise rules introduced over time into the different funds product laws and, at the same time, adapt those rules in response to current business requirements.

Next steps

The bill of law is now subject to the legislative process and remains subject to change. Once adopted by the Luxembourg Parliament, the bill of law will enter into force on the fourth day following its publication. Transitional provisions will apply for some modifications. We understand that the intention is that Parliament will vote on the bill of law in early July before the summer recess.

For further information, please reach out to your usual contact in the Fund Formation Team.

Access the bill of law (in FR only) here_

Access the Law of 2010 on UCIs in its current consolidated version here_

Access the Law of 2004 on SICARs in its current consolidated version here_

Access the Law of 2007 on SIFs in its current consolidated version here_

Access the Law of 2013 on AIFMs in its current consolidated version here_

Access the Law of 2016 on RAIFs in its current consolidated version here_

Download the press release

Luxembourg Newsflash – Modernising the Luxembourg fund toolbox

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