Annabelle De Lima-Ted


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  • English
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  • Spanish

Annabelle De Lima-Ted is a Counsel in the Employment Law practice of Arendt & Medernach.

She specialises in employment, immigration and social security matters, especially in the financial sector.

Annabelle’s practice includes both advisory and litigation services for local and international clients, in relation to all HR and employment matters, from individual to collective employment issues as well as employee representation matters.

  • Annabelle De Lima-Ted studied in Nancy (France) and in Luxembourg. She holds a master’s degree in general Private Law from the University of Lorraine (Nancy).
  • She has been a member of the Luxembourg Bar since 2014.

  • Annabelle is notably a member of the Employment Law Specialists Association in Luxembourg and globally of the Employment Law Alliance.

Prior to joining Arendt & Medernach, Annabelle worked in other law firms in Luxembourg also specialised in employment law.