In-Depth: Sustainable Finance Law – Luxembourg – 2nd edition – Luxembourg Chapter – Laura Archange, Clara Bourgi, Philippe Harles, Emmanuelle Mousel, Antoine Peter, Antoine Portelange and Dino Serafini

In Depth: Sustainable Finance Law provides a practical global overview of the current state of sustainable finance and related regulatory efforts across multiple jurisdictions. It also tracks the evolution of sustainable finance and outlines key trends for the near future. Topics examined include sustainable disclosure requirements and taxonomies, sustainable finance instruments and incentives, and much more.

Our experts Laura Archange, Clara Bourgi, Philippe Harles, Emmanuelle Mousel, Antoine Peter, Antoine Portelange and Dino Serafini are the authors of the Luxembourg chapter.

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1. Introduction

2. Year in review

3. Regulation and policy

4. Sustainable finance instruments

5. Sustainable disclosure requirements and taxonomy

6. ESG data, ratings and reporting

7. Sustainable finance incentives

8. Carbon markets and carbon trading

9. Green technology

10. Climate change, nature and biodiversity impacts

11. Greenwashing and climate litigation risks

12. Outlook and conclusions

Contact an expert

Clara Bourgi

Senior Associate

Antoine Peter

Senior Manager

Dino Serafini

Senior Associate