Essentials of ESG – what every executive must know
While attending this session, you will gain overview of the new Sustainable Finance Regulatory Horizon and how our experts perceive the upcoming evolution.
You will particularly hear of strategic and operational points you must consider before the launch of any ESG initiative.
- Latest development in ESG Finance key features and concepts
- Importance and relevance for your organisation
- Sustainable risks and their relevance to your business
- Monitoring and reporting obligations as applicable to your industry
Our speakers can adapt the content of this session to your specific environment: Banks, Finance, Asset Management industries.
Our speakers belong to both our specialised and complementary teams, and as such cover all legal, regulatory, taxation and advisory aspects of doing business in Luxembourg. We kindly invite you to check our training agenda where the speakers are listed on each session.
Target Group
Executives and senior employees, who have heard about ESG, though wish to better capture how ESG may impact their decisions in the coming years.
1 hour
English, French
For more information please contact us by e-mail at