Customised sessions

Provided to individuals or a group of employees in the same company. This customised session can take place at the client’s site, at Arendt House or via our agile Webex training tool (remote) in diverse intensity (e.g. an “update” or a in-depth workshop).

Our courses provide an excellent way of sharing our knowledge with you and improving your understanding of your business and the related opportunities and challenges. Our approach is very practical and operations-oriented.

Customised session topics

Making training real. Making it yours.

We are convinced that your request for training should be met with a flexible and suitable response in terms of your chosen topic, background, objectives, and geographical constraints. We very much look forward to supporting you.

Contact us

Arendt Institute
41A avenue JF Kennedy, L-2082 Luxembourg
+352 40 78 78 558

You may also find some additional information under “FAQ”.