Business support

Knowledge management and LegalTech

At the cutting edge of knowledge and innovation

In a fast-changing world, knowledge management is a central element of Arendt’s strategy to serve our clients better, improve efficiency and add greater value to the business.

Our dedicated knowledge management team has a clear understanding of our clients’ needs, plus a strong commercial awareness. The team is in charge of developing and deploying expert materials and online tools to ensures that legal knowledge as well as informal know-how are constantly being shared within the firm.

Knowledge management is also important in connecting people, including our experts, to ensure cross-collaboration and support for the firm’s various practice areas. The team consists of twelve knowledge lawyers, each experienced in fields such as banking and finance, corporate business, investment management, private equity and real estate, employment and taxation.

Arendt has the largest private collection of legal books in Luxembourg, and the knowledge management team includes two information officers under the supervision of a head of information.

The knowledge we draw on is not only legal in nature but encompasses legal technology, digitalisation and innovation. Arendt uses Contract Express, an advanced document automation system that enables our lawyers to deliver a better service to clients supported by a team of legal engineers.

Arendt also monitors closely all developments relating to new technologies, including machine learning and artificial intelligence, with the goal of adding value and responding to clients’ needs. We are currently exploring the potential benefits of generative AI technology. By leveraging its capabilities, we seek to enhance various aspects of our legal practice. By analysing large datasets and generating insights, we anticipate that this technology will enable us to provide more strategic and informed legal counsel to our clients.

Our ongoing exploration of generative AI underscores our commitment to embracing innovative tools to better serve our clients and adapt to the evolving legal landscape.