AML/CFT compliance – brochure

Over the past few years, more than EUR 15 million in fines has been imposed on financial institutions that have failed to comply with Luxembourg’s laws and regulations on the fight against money laundering and terrorist financing. With the recent implementation of the fifth AML/CFT directive, the upcoming FATF visit and on-site visits by the regulator, the legal and regulatory framework has become more stringent, making AML/CFT compliance more challenging than ever.

Arendt Regulatory & Consulting (ARC), the regulatory & consulting expertise of Arendt assists you in the assessment, design and maintenance of an AML/CFT programme, and helps you find an effective and practical path to compliance in the face of regulatory changes.

Table of contents of the brochure:

AML/CFT challenges

Be responsible, not exposed

The four steps to compliance

A la carte services

Contact details


For more information, contact us at

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AML-CFT compliance – ARC

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