Piotr Giemza-Popowski


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Piotr Giemza-Popowski is a Partner in the Investment Management practice of Arendt & Medernach.
He specialises in the setting-up of and management work relating to UCITS, with a particular emphasis on complex, structured UCITS, and has a broad expertise in all areas of legal and regulatory requirements applicable to UCITS. He regularly provides training courses and speaks at conferences and webinars dedicated to UCITS fund governance, eligible assets analysis and/or rules applicable to benchmarks.
He also has broad experience in the formation of alternative investment funds (including Specialised Investment Funds and Reserved Alternative Investment Funds) and joint ventures, fund restructuring, managed account mandates, insurance linked fund arrangements and secondary transactions in fund interests, primarily in relation to private equity and private debt funds.

  • Piotr holds a Master’s in Polish Law (LL.M.) from the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan (Poland),
  • Master’s in German Law (LL.M.) from the European University “Viadrina” in Frankfurt (Oder, Germany)
  • Bachelor’s in English Law (LL.B.) from the University of Law in London (UK).

  • Piotr is a chairman of the EFAMA Benchmarks Task Force, which coordinates the European funds industry’s response to any European legislative initiatives in the area of benchmarks.
  • Member of EFAMA’s Management Companies Standing Committee which coordinates the European funds industry’s response to any European legislative initiatives affecting AIFMs and UCITS Management Companies.
  • Piotr has been admitted as a solicitor in England and Wales since 2011, has been registered on List IV with the Luxembourg Bar since 2018 and has been a member of the Düsseldorf Bar (Germany) since 2019.

He has acted for sponsors and investment managers from Europe, Asia, Australia and the USA on all aspect of UCITS’ and alternative funds’ set-up and lifecycle management. His experience on the investor side of the practice includes acting for banks, insurance companies, pension funds and sovereign wealth funds and he has an understanding of legal and regulatory issues specific to these investor classes.