Initial public offerings in Luxembourg – updated edition

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​This chapter of the ​Initial Public Offerings Guide provides a comprehensive overview of the law and regulations affecting IPO markets in Luxembourg.

This chapter of the ​Initial Public Offerings Guide provides a comprehensive overview of the law and regulations affecting IPO markets in Luxembourg. Topics include: the size, issuers and exchanges of IPO markets; rulemaking and enforcing bodies; investor information requirements; restrictions on publicity and marketing; sanctions for breach of rules; timetables, costs and fees; anti-takeover devices; considerations and requirements for foreign issuers; relevant tax issues and investor claims.

This chapter has been written by  and   in the frame of the Getting the Deal Through Initial Public Offerings’ Guide publication.

Reproduced with permission from Law Business Research Ltd. Getting the Deal Through: Initial Public Offerings 2018, (published in July 201 contributing editors:  Joshua Ford Bonnie and Kevin P Kennedy, Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP) For further information please