Webinar – Luxembourg Funds Trends and Opportunities for the Nordics


7:00am - 8:30am

Online session

We are delighted to invite you to our annual event focusing on Luxembourg fund trends and opportunities for the Nordics on Wednesday, 9 June.


Following the success of our previous events, this webinar will explore the latest market trends in the Luxembourg fund industry affecting asset managers in the Nordics in terms of both liquid and alternative strategies.


Along with our event partners, RBC Investor & Treasury Services and Deloitte Luxembourg, we will start with a plenary session focusing on regulatory developments and a tax update as well as an overview of key market trends. Then, we will convene three different breakout sessions.


Plenary session with Florence Stainier (Arendt & Medernach), Dario Zambotti (Deloitte Luxembourg) and Johan Lindberg (RBC I&TS)


Breakout session 1: ESG: challenges and opportunities with Isabelle Lebbe (Arendt & Medernach), Dario Zambotti (Deloitte Luxembourg) and Frank Talsma (RBC I&TS)


Breakout session 2: The Luxembourg toolbox, an opportunity for every situation with Susanna Güven (Arendt & Medernach), Audrey Legrand (Deloitte Luxembourg) and Johan Lindberg (RBC I&TS)


Breakout session 3: Outsourcing trends in the Asset Management Industry with Nicolas Deldime (Arendt Regulatory & Consulting), Yann Merillou (Deloitte Luxembourg), Kerstin Lindgren and Ben Pumfrett (RBC I&TS)


Each breakout session will last 30 minutes and you are invited to attend two of your choice.


This will be an interactive session and good opportunity to pose any questions that you would like answered.


Should you have any questions, please contact events@arendt.com

Invitation – Luxembourg Funds Trends and Opportunities for the Nordics – 9 June 2021

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Presentation – Plenary session – Nordics webinar 09.06.21

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Presentation – Breakout session 1 ESG challenges and opportunities – Nordics webinar 09.06.21

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Presentation – Breakout session 2 The Luxembourg toolbox – Nordics webinar 09.06.21

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Presentation – Breakout session 3 Outsourcing trends – Nordics webinar 09.06.21

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