the arendter n°5

​Luxembourg and China have developed a long-lasting and significant business relationship. Established diplomatic protocols extend back over 40 years and we are observing increasingly close business ties between the two countries.

China is expanding outwards, with eyes decidedly turned towards Europe. The attractiveness of the financial sector and legal environment of the Grand Duchy has encouraged Chinese companies and entrepreneurs to establish their European domiciles, headquarters and/or investment structures in Luxembourg where they benefit from a business friendly environment, familiarity with Chinese business as well as the EU passport. This has also contributed to Luxembourg becoming one of the largest RMB centres outside China. In this context, Arendt & Medernach decided to open an office in Hong Kong in 2009.

In this fifth edition of the Arendter, we will hear from the people who represent Luxembourg and its benefits for China as well as the economic actors from both countries who are working to develop their businesses. We will also keep you updated with expert legal advice on new Chinese investment opportunities.

We hope you will enjoy reading our new issue.

> click here to discover the arendter n°5

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