Webinar – Japanese institutional investors allocation to alternative asset classes


7:30am - 8:15am

Online session

For a number of years, Japanese institutional investors have been allocating more to alternative asset classes and alternative investment funds. With the current Covid-19 pandemic in the background, we wanted to cover those trends towards alternative investments in Japan, in terms of products and asset classes, key considerations of Japanese institutional investors and how Japanese and foreign managers are responding to this demand with their products.


Guest speakers from Asset Management One Alternative Investments and Tikehau Investment Management Japan will join us to discuss their views on the above trends and their product offering to Japanese institutions as well as their experience in setting up, operating and selling Luxembourg alternative investment fund structures.



Sergei Diakov, Head, Tikehau Investment Management Japan

Jack Wang, Fund Manager, Infra debt, Asset Management One AI

Stephane Karolczuk, Partner, Arendt & Medernach S.A.



– Introduction and overview of the Covid-19 situation in Japan

– Market overview and alternative investment trends

– Asset managers products and offering

– Structuring of alternative funds for the Japanese institutional market, focus on credit funds and infrastructure debt funds


Should you have any question or trouble registering, please contact tiffany.li@arendt.com



WEBINAR invitation – Japanese institutional investors allocation to alternative asset classes – Thursday 14 May 2020

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Presentation – Japanese institutional investors allocation to alternative asset classes – Thursday 14 May 2020

pdf531 KB

Recording – Japanese institutional investors allocation to alternative asset classes – Thursday 14 May 2020

mp439 MB