The European answer to the US tax reform – Exploration of the issues


6:30am - 9:00am

​We are pleased to invite you to join us for a breakfast seminar on 15 May where we look forward to sharing a European perspective regarding the impact of US tax reform on European structures of US multinational groups.

In the course of examining the challenges and opportunities presented by a radically evolving cross-border tax landscape, we will discuss the intersection of certain more remarkable US tax reform measures (GILTI, BEAT, FDII, etc.) with the parallel implementation in Europe of the new Multilateral Instrument (MLI) applying BEPS and the recently adopted Anti-Tax Avoidance Directives, and highlighting specific issues in the most relevant European countries for US investment, including Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Ireland, Luxembourg, Switzerland, and Portugal. Together, these developments demand new thinking and collaboration for planning US-European cross-border investment.



Olivier Dauchez, Partner at Gide, France

Stefan Mayer, Partner at Gleiss Lutz, Germany

Fintan Clancy, Partner at Arthur Cox, Ireland

Rau-Angelo Papotti, Partner at Chiomenti, Italy

Eric Fort, Partner at Arendt & Medernach, Luxembourg

Gonçalo Bastos Lopes, Partner at Cuatrecasas, Portugal

Joan Hortalà and Dèlcia Capocasale, Partners at Cuatrecasas, Spain

Reto Heuberger, Partner at Homburger, Switzerland

Invitation – New York breakfast seminar – 2018

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