The liability regime applicable to directors and conducting persons : specificities linked to investment funds – October 2022
- Asses the main risks incurred by directors / conducting persons
- Differentiate between liability risk and risk of sanction
- Determine the respective roles of governing bodies and senior management
- Identify duties and responsibilities of investment vehicle/Manco/AIFM
- Give practical guidance to directors / conducting persons on good practices they should adopt before and after having accepted a mandate
- Advice on means to limit liability risks
Setting the scene
- Self-managed UCITS
- UCITS having appointed a third-party management company
- Internally managed AIFs
- AIFs having appointed an external AIFM
Liability regimes
- Corporate law
- Specific liability with respect to UCIs
- Criminal / administrative sanctions (including UCITS V regime)
- Extracontractual civil liability
- Limitation of liability / discharge / compensation
Respective roles of governing bodies and senior management
Allocation of duties and responsibilities between (i) UCI board, (ii) AIFM/UCITS manco board and (iii) AIFM/UCITS manco conducting officers
Conflicts of interest
Principles of corporate governance
Practical guidance to avoid liability
Francis Kass (Partner, Investment Funds, Arendt & Medernach),
Dr. Michael Daemgen (Partner, Arendt Regulatory & Consulting).
Target Group
Board members, directors, conducting persons, …
Point of attention
The cancelation policy stated on the bottom of our page “training agenda” applies.
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