The International Who’s who legal – Private funds 2013 – Press article
The International Who’s Who Legal Private Funds 2013 is a publication of Who’s who Legal who has canvassed and analysed the opinions of law firm clients and private funds lawyers from around the world. “Arendt & Medernach is one of the most recognised funds firms in Europe and focuses on alternative investment funds (AIFs), hedge, PE and real estate funds for domestic and international distributors, bankers and managers. Of the five outstanding lawyers it fields from Luxembourg, the head of investment management Claude Kremer, and co-head of PE and AIFs, experts Gilles Dusemon are particularly recommended. Both appear on our list of the most highly regarded lawyers.” Who’s Who Legal research has revealed 362 experts in 41 jurisdictions who can truly be considered leaders in the field. 5 experts from Arendt & Medernach are listed for Luxembourg (by alphabetical order): Gilles Dusemon, Claude Kremer, Yves Lacroix, Isabelle Lebbe, Claude Niedner.