the arendter N°2

We were very pleased to see the interest generated by the first edition of our magazine “the arendter”. Your enthusiastic feedback has encouraged us in our will to share updates and knowledge on legislative, regulatory, and economic topics. As we outlined in our first edition, we will continue highlighting news on those sectors contributing to the balanced economic development of our country. Luxembourg has a great industrial tradition, so this time we will focus on the automotive industry which is well established in Luxembourg in both manufacturing and assembly. It also showcases Luxembourg’s key advantages for multinational companies considering locating their business here. We hope you enjoy reading this new edition! Content: – PRIVATE WEALTH Private foundations: meeting the wealth management needs of tomorrow – BANKING MiFID II: a step toward a more transparent and responsible financial system? – COVER STORY Luxembourg: in the driver’s seat – INTERNATIONAL Dubai: creating a bridge between Luxembourg and the Middle East – ART New exhibition: “Vanités”, proposed by Valérie Belin – TRAINING Customised to meet your needs – REGULATORY Cross-border AIF distribution: making a success of the passport – Events &Trainings Events &Trainings around the world in the coming months

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