Beat Streuli “World City” at Arendt House – Eikon93 – Press article
The Eikon 93 magazine wrote an article about Beat Streuli, one of our two very first artists exhibited at Arendt House. Beat has been interviewed by the magazine about his work for Arendt & Medernach.
“In Luxembourg, the monumental quality of the faces has given place to a series of pictures, furtive portraits of passers-by captured by Beat Streuli […] The visibility of all these photographs together oscillates between evocative presence and transparency, between image and absence. And in this is all the subtleness of the installation: it makes a breakthrough to the outside in being traversed by it, and, seen from the street at night when the auditorium is lit up, it presents itself to the eyes of passers-by like a mirror.” explains the journalists Sarah Beaumont and Christophe Gallois in their article.
Please find below the full article about Beat Streuli exhibiting at Arendt House: