Anti-Bribery & Corruption (ABC) and Fraud Awareness Training


The experts will help the participants to further enhance their awareness on Fraud, Bribery and Corruption and to better understand what it takes to prevent and to act more responsibly.


Focus on corruption

The experts will trigger participation of the audience with small polls, questions and discussions; we will also present scenario and case studies to illustrate real-life situation and raise discussions among the audience.


Our speakers belong to our specialised and complementary teams and as such cover all legal, regulatory, taxation and advisory aspects of doing business in Luxembourg. We invite you to check our training agenda where the speakers are listed on each training session.

Target Group

​Professionals in charge of front office, administration, legal and compliance functions or other professionals in charge of anti-corruption matters.


​3 hours


English; French (customised format) 

For more information, please contact us by e-mail at

Documents about

Anti-Bribery & Corruption (ABC) and Fraud Awareness Training

pdf52 KB

Contact an expert

Ari Gudmannsson

Of Counsel

Stéphanie Lhomme

Partner ARC