Ernesto Pinheiro dos Santos

Chief Financial Officer

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  • English
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  • Luxembourgish
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  • Spanish

Ernesto Pinheiro Dos Santos is Chief Financial Officer and a member of the Management Committee of Arendt Investor Services.

  • DPHECF (diplôme préparatoire aux hautes études comptables et financières)
  • BTS (brevet de technician supérieur) in Accounting and Management from the Paris institution ENGDE, École des Techniciens Supérieurs Comptables et Enseignants (France). 

Before joining Arendt Investor Services, Ernesto served as a Finance Manager 
at a global financial services provider, where he was also a member of the Management Board for the management companies of the underlying SIF SICAV/PERE investment funds.

Prior to this, Ernesto spent 15 years as Head of Invoicing in the Finance Department of the European Fund Administration. 

He began his career in 1998 in Luxembourg as a general accountant.