Alexandra Ciacareanu

Senior Manager

Office Location


  • English
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  • French
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  • Luxembourgish
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  • Romanian

Alexandra Ciacareanu is a Senior Manager at Arendt Regulatory & Consulting.

Alexandra has over 15 years of wide-ranging compliance, auditing, financial controlling and advisory experience in the financial sector, with a focus on Private Equity and Real Estate. She assists clients in the asset management industry in setting up and organising their businesses in Luxembourg. In particular, she helps them strengthen their corporate governance and comply with regulatory obligations, including those applicable under anti-money laundering measures (AML/CTF obligations) as well as monitoring and reporting obligations to Luxembourg’s financial regulator, the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF).

  • Alexandra graduated from the Politehnica University in Bucharest, and holds a master of business administration degree (MBA) from the Luxembourg School of Business

  • She has been a certified chartered accountant (ACCA member) since 2014

After 10 years of experience within two of the Big Four companies in audit and consulting and before joining Arendt Regulatory & Consulting, Alexandra was a Conducting Officer for an authorised alternative investment fund manager (AIFM), where she was in charge of compliance and risk management.